Saturday, January 16, 2010

Stress Anxiety Management What Is Good Ways To Deal With Anxiety?

What is good ways to deal with anxiety? - stress anxiety management

The place where I work now sold in 10 days and I moved to another job. I moved in exactly the same time. The new job I have is the position of senior management. I am dealing with severe anxiety and stress. I work my full time job and my new-old full-time work, which I will not have time to pack and move. Although it is already sold, I can not sleep because the idea of something that changes my life and things that are not made. How can I get a little sleep and bloody confrontation with this issue?


ck said...

Try breathing exercises. I was skeptical once, but once I finally decided to do it, I realized the benefits. Just start slowly and breathing deeply and slowly and breathe out. Tip: Close your eyes and breathe through the nose to a number of 4 and exhale through the mouth to a number of 8 years. To do this, at least 5 minutes, and try your way to work 10 or even 15th I know this sounds like a lot of time when you have so many things, but it really works.

Bestie71... said...

Have you tried self-hypnosis? You can really learn to do. Hypnosis is good for anxiety and should help. If you see someone trying to learn as much as possible. Or you can even tapes or CDs to learn and to the Lord.

winmvkel said...

just relax .... sometimes a day is a time when you want to fix immediately, do not worry .. everything will go well, you see

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