Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ivf Chat Room Blogs Some Help And Advice About IVF?

Some help and advice about IVF? - ivf chat room blogs

At the weekend I was talking to my stepmother told me about the infertility problems of her niece. It does not seem to know a lot about the situation, but the couple said in a question to the IVF process begins in March of this year, and she said she still "serious problems" and that they are "very good IVF-invasive.

"Can anyone tell me what that means? I was not aware there were different types of IVF treatment or that anything more invasive than others.

Thank you.


Sophies mummy and having a boy! said...

All IVF is invasive. But I think they take a treatment known as ICSI, where the woman takes the drug to stop the cycle and produce eggs. You will be under local or general anesthesia (again introduced a needle through the stomach or the vagina and acts to remove the ovaries to GG) and one follicle at a time rather than mixed with sperm in a dish on a single sperm directly into the oocyte injected. The male provides the sperm through masturbation, or if you have a so-called azoospermia, the absence of sperm in the semen of healthy sperm from the testicles are removed with a needle. This feature is ideal if the quality or motility of sperm is poor, because they use to healthy sperm, allowed and removes the element of chance when you merge with the egg.

After a period of about 3 days, the embryos are examined and the two best introduced into the uterus through a catheter into the cervix seen. It is therefore quite natural.

Maja said...

When a couple conceive a child difficult, because the quantity or quality of sperm has is a poor man then IVF - IVF - can be used. Here the egg is fertilized outside the body of the woman and then implanted back into the womb. This FSH can also be used to produce several mature eggs at once is, in the context of IVF used to increase the number of eggs for fertilization.

Some people are concerned about the ethical implications of IVF, and focuses on couples who wish to May fertilized eggs as "desirable" qualities. For example, they want a girl May you have many children in the family, or want to avoid a child with a hereditary defect.

Krysopra... said...

Always IVF is invasive, because the design is outside the body, the eggs must be removed, fertilized and then implanted. Perhaps he thought that the IVF treatment is one of the more invasive fertility treatments, that is.

♥Haze♥ Wants a 2010 BFP!♥♥ said...

Great question HUN - My cousin just IVF in February this year, I hope everything works for them!


Tina said...

IVF is invasive - my twins were conceived through in vitro fertilization.

It involves daily injections, which you check at home, ultrasound, and frequent blood tests, hormone levels are taught - in fact the life back. During egg retrieval, the sedation and a needle used to extract the low point. This is done in a sterile room like an operating room. When the transfer is back as a Pap test is very intense. . . Believe me, the whole experience very invasive! My husband would have preferred not to expect a semen sample in a cup on demand. . . But such is life when you are on fertility treatment

If you are serious, additional treatments such as ICSI do, where they take sperm and insert it directly into an egg in the laboratory rather than in ova and sperm for fertilization and hope. There are other treatments such as preimplantation genetic diagnosis, the choice of sex is usually the case, there is a hereditary genetic disease would be fatal to a babya special way

Maybe your mother is IVF compared to "less invasive" treatment of infertility, such as IUI - IUI with a catheter to a prepared sperm washing of the sample insert. It is a little more than a Pap test. This is less invasive than the elimination of eggs in IVF.

Jesse said...

In Vitro Fertilization?
Oh, they have to defend the internal fluids in the vagina?

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