Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bad Credit Master Card How To Fix My Bad Credit With My New Sin?

How to fix my bad credit with my new sin? - bad credit master card

Sin I've got my number again recently, and I have bad credit, if the State in Canada internationally.
With my new sin, I have my HSBC gold card reader and is approved .. What is the status of being the latter? I'm confused.
Can I Cancle my first credit card and used my new credit card from my credit card to build? How will my credit history is old?

Thank you for your answer!


Mugwug said...

See, unlike the U.S. system, the social security number as the primary identifier of the Canadian credit card applications, credit bureaus, which look completely dependent on NO to your credit file. Your name, your birth date, address, and can therefore be used to identify the file.

One of two situations exists, or if you are a new credit file on the basis of the new sins, or his credit was not as bad as I thought.

You need to know the truth, and the best way to find out, a copy of your credit report and request to see if the information contained therein is entirely new, or if they so in their old lines of credit, addresses.

Cancel anything until you see exactly where you are. I recommend the use of your credit report in written form and re-use of his driver's license and credit cards that the identification documents required. ... ... ...

Good luck!

The Prince said...

Cancel your old credit card. The age of your accounts is probably the most important factor in the long-term loans. When I look at your credit report (I) came to borrow the money, I see the age of your accounts and said that he was financially responsible for a while, cons (a little in the last month). Keep using your old card, if you do not want. But do not disappear.

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